Monday, November 14, 2011

Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic joins forces with Pilgrims Pride at annual health fair

From left to right (Monique, Mandy, Robert, Dr. Trunell, Chris)

Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic participated in the Pilgrim Pride Waco, annual health fair.  Hillcrest Chiropractic offered the workers a free 5 minute trigger point massage and a consult with the doctor.  It is the intention of Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic to expand on the virtues of chiropractic care one patient at a time.  The Doctor and staff enjoyed meeting and addressing the different health concerns that were brought to the doctor's attention.   

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic and Doris Miller YMCA join together for Trunk or Treat

Recently Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic participated in the annual "Trunk or Treat" sponsored by the Doris Miller YMCA of Waco.  The staff of Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic enjoyed the smiles and laughter that the event helped create in the children.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Seniors and Chiropractic: Seven Great Benefits

Many seniors are unaware of the outstanding benefits that are possible through regular chiropractic care. I have compiled a list of seven of the most frequent benefits that chiropractic care provides for seniors.
1. Pain Relief
Chiropractic care is one of the most effective and safest forms of health care to treat pain due to spinal related conditions. Chiropractic is so effective because most causes of spinal disorders are related to abnormalities of the spine and the surrounding soft tissue structures. Doctors of chiropractic are specifically trained to identify and treat subluxations (misalignments of the vertebrae) and their subsequent effect on the central nervous system. Anti inflammatory medication and pain relievers merely mask the symptoms and have many undesirable side effects.
2. Increased Range of Motion of the Spine and Extremities
Chiropractic care has been shown repeatedly to increase not only the range of motion of the spine but also in the extremities. Increasing a person's range of motion can positively and drastically affect lives in many ways. For some, an increased range of motion means being able to bend down to pick up their grandchildren. For others, it means they can garden without pain or get an extra 40 yards of distance out of their driver on the golf course. In many cases, an increase in range of motion immediately follows chiropractic adjustments. This is one of the reasons why many top professional sporting teams have team chiropractors.
3. Increased Balance and Coordination
Many problems in balance and coordination in the aging population have been shown to come from injury or degenerative changes to the cervical spine (neck region). Structures known as mechanoreceptors are located in the posterior (back) joints of the cervical spine and are responsible for providing the brain with essential information important for balance and coordination. Mechanoreceptors in cervical posterior joints provide major input regarding the position of the head in relation to the body. With aging, mild defects impair mechanoreceptors function and results in a loss of proprioception (sense of body awareness). With decreased proprioception, body positioning in space is impaired and the patient becomes reliant on vision to know the location of a limb. To compensate for the loss of proprioception (sense of body awareness) in the legs, the feet are kept wider apart than usual. Steps become irregular and uneven in length. As impairment increases, the patient becomes unable to compensate. With severe loss of proprioception, the patient is unable to get up from a chair or rise after a fall without assistance.
Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help restore balance and coordination by stimulating the joint receptors (mechanoreceptors) in the cervical spine. This stimulation is thought to restore or normalize joint receptor functioning which leads to improvements in balance and coordination. (Caranasos, MD, Isreal, MD. Gait Disorders in the Elderly. Hospital Practice. 1991; June 15:67-94.Guyton, MD. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 9th edition. WB Saunders, Philadelphia 1996; 714.)
4. Decreased Joint Degeneration
A subluxated (misaligned) spine is much like a misaligned wheel on an automobile. This misalignment will cause the spine (and the wheel) to wear out prematurely. Since all moving parts will eventually wear down over time, it is very important to get your spine aligned periodically. Chiropractic care decreases spinal degeneration and other arthritic changes by normalizing the spinal alignment and reducing spinal stress.
5. Increased Health and Well-Being
We commonly ask our patients what changes they notice once they are put of pain. Here are some regular responses we hear every day:
I feel great!
I can sleep through the night!
Now I can play in the garden!
I have so much energy!
Life is worth living now!
Yes, chiropractic is far more than mere pain relief.
Feeling good, staying healthy and doing the things that make us happy are what keeps us looking forward to each new day. Regular chiropractic care increase the quality of life and increase health and well being.
6. Decreased Incidence of Falling
Injuries due to falling are extremely common in the elderly population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are responsible for 90% of the 850,000 bone fractures which occur annually among Americans past the age of 65. Chiropractors reduce the risk of falls by normalizing the mechanoreceptors of the cervical spine by administering chiropractic adjustments. They also prescribe stretching and exercise programs to increase strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination.
7. Keeps Seniors Out of Nursing Homes
While studying at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, I had the opportunity of meeting the president Dr. Ian Coulter. Dr. Coulter was involved with many research projects studying the benefits of chiropractic care and exercise.
In 1996, he published an interesting study in the Journal, "Topics of Clinical Chiropractic" called "Chiropractic care for the Elderly."
The key points he noted in this study were:
o 44% of those who used chiropractic care reported having arthritis compared with 66% in the non-chiropractic care group
o those who used chiropractic care were more likely to do strenuous levels of exercise
o at three years follow-up, less than 5% of those who used chiropractic care lived in a nursing home while a staggering 48% of those who did not use chiropractic care did live in a nursing home
o at three years follow-up, only 26% of those who used chiropractic care were hospitalized compared with 48% of those in the non-chiropractic group
There is no need for seniors to suffer needlessly. Chiropractic provides amazing benefits and has an outstanding record of safety and effectiveness. Ask your family and friends for a chiropractor that they recommend. Take action now and make an appointment to see if chiropractic can help you!
Dr. Larry Smith Chiropractor and author of:
Embrace the Journey of Recovery: From Tragedy to Triumph
Embrace the Journey of Recovery will passionately reignite your spirit and teach you how to confront, conquer and powerfully triumph over any life threatening illness! Experience the remarkable story of two courageous yet ordinary individuals and their astonishing recoveries from heartbreaking tragedy. The message is simple. They transformed their lives and you can too!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Doctor, can children be adjusted?

Finding the center

adjusting is for the young and the young at heart


Monday, October 17, 2011

Headaches and Chiropractic


Nerve irritation is the leading cause of headache pain for many sufferers.

Tired of taking medication for headache pain that does not go away? Find out how many people are finding a more permanent solution for their headache pain naturally.

There are an estimated 4.5 million people that suffer from severe, recurring attacks of migraine and tension headaches. They spend upwards of $40 million each year on over-the-counter and prescription drugs in their search for permanent relief. For some, the medication works. Unfortunately for many the relief obtained is temporary at best. A cycle of headaches and medication often occurs without any lasting relief found. If you think this describes your pain then there is good news for you.

Recent studies link headaches pain to nerve irritation. One study, conducted at the University of Maryland, found a connection between muscle tension at the base of the neck and headaches. Muscle contractions interfere with the sensitive fibers at the base of the neck that lead to the brain and spinal cord. This muscle tension often plays a contributing factor to headache pain. Another study conducted found that the vast majority of migraine headache sufferers has misalignments of the spinal vertebrae in the neck that was placing pressure on the spinal nerves.

Our remedy of headache pain is two-fold:
  • Remove pressure on the nerves caused by spinal misalignments.
  • Reduce tension in neck muscles to minimize nerve pressure due to tight muscles.

This strategy works for many headache sufferers, not only in our office but also in several studies. One such study, conducted by the government of New Zealand found that the majority of people who suffered from spinal misalignments has their headaches relieved or their condition improved through chiropractic care. And in follow-up studies of the same patients it was found that many were still without recurring headache pain two years later.

Of course, not all headaches can be helped with chiropractic care. But, if you suffer from persistent migraine of tension headaches you owe it to yourself to come to our office for an exam and consultation. If we can not help you we will tell you, and we can refer you to another health care professional that can help.

Can a chiropractor really get rid of my headaches?
It will help to understand what causes most headaches. Your spine protects your nervous system which starts with the brain and becomes the spinal cord. When the vertebrae in your neck are unable to move properly, it irritates or puts pressure on the nerves in that area. That can cause headaches. To correct this problem (called a subluxation) a chiropractor gently adjusts the vertebrae. Since most headaches are caused by subluxations, they will soon disappear.

Why would I have spinal problems in my neck?
There are many reasons. They can originally occur during the birth process, and as your body grows and matures. Also, falls, sports activities, motor vehicle accidents, bad posture or simply the stresses of daily living can cause spinal problems. It is also very common for headache sufferers to experience neck pain and stiffness.

But my headaches are migraines?
Migraine headaches are usually severe and sharp, throbbing in nature, and generally affect one side of the head. Tension headaches tend to occur frequently, last a long time and are characterized by a dull, steady pain that feels like a band of pressure around the neck. But despite these differences they are closely related. Chiropractic care has been proven to be extremely effective in treating migraine and tension headaches as well as neck pain and stiffness.

What will the chiropractor do to treat my headaches?
Your first visit will include a consultation, examination and possibly an x-ray to help diagnose your problem. Once your condition is fully understood, your chiropractor will explain your test and x-ray results and outline a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. Your chiropractor will use highly skilled, gentle manipulations to adjust the spine.

Once my headache stops, does the chiropractic care end?
Your body continues to heal after the pain has gone. Continuing to have chiropractic adjustments helps to retrain your vertebrae to hold their healthy positions. Your nervous system will function more efficiently and your body will be better able to heal itself. In time, exercise, a healthy diet, and periodic visits to the chiropractor will help you stay healthy, pain free, and live life to the fullest.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Hillcrest Chiropractic Clinic is in the business of making you feel better by using various drug free methods proven to stimulate and invigorate the body.  Chiropractic is more than pain relief, come in today and let our staff explain the benefits of Chiropractic care.